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83 bytes added ,  18:22, 3 November 2020
=== Q: I’m new, how do I start?===
A: Your company exists without a start command. Common commands are $$help, $$tutorial, $$faclist, $$f, $$a, $$val, and $$c. Newly added $$wiki command is awesome!
=== Q: I still have questions, what should I do?===
A: Go to #help in discord HQ and ping @helper with your question.
=== Q: I’m new, can I get advice on what facility I should focus on now?===
A: Your goal is to generate assets to sell for cash.
Opt 2: Or some players build oil wells, and then plastic factories. To produce oil and plastic assets to sell for cash.
=== Q. Is storage capacity in Idle-Corp?===
A. No, you can store as many assets as you can build or buy.
=== Q. Can I give money to my friends?===
A. The bot does not have a command to gift money, but the player market can be used if both players have a logistics center.
=== Q. What does a logistics center do? ===
A. Allows access to the player market, and expands your hourly buy limit in the NPC market.
=== Q. Is Jet fuel the same as rocket fuel? ===
A. No, two different assets.
=== Q. What is a gratitude point, and what are they used for? ===
A. Gratitude points are earned by voting for the Idle-Corp bot, using $$vote. The gratitude points can be spent to change your company name and motto, or to instantly finish a research project.
=== Q. How do I sell land or move to another server? ===
A. You have to $$liquidate the server, selling all land, facilities, and assets. You get back 40% of your land and facilities cost, assets sell at current NPC market value.
=== Q: How do I buy assets? ===
A: You need to get a logistics center (25M) then type $$buy <asset> <max or number> or $$soffers <asset> then $$mbuy <asset> <how many> <price>. Buy command is mainly for buying raw materials (ex. Glass, cpu, iron, silicon) Soffers (sell offers) is mainly used for buying end products. (ex. Laptops, cell phones, cars)
=== Q. How do I cancel a player market offer?===
A. Use the command $$offers. It will show your current offers and which slot number they are in 1, 2, or 3. Then use $$canceloffer (1, 2,or 3)

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