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1,122 bytes added ,  14:47, 3 November 2020
Added common questions.
Q. Is storage capacity in Idle-Corp?
A. No, you can store as many assets as you can build or buy.
Q. Can I give money to my friends? A. The bot does not have a command to gift money, but the player market can be used if both players have a logistics center.
Q. What does a logistics center do? A. Allows access to the player market, and expands your hourly buy limit in the NPC market.
Q. Is Jet fuel the same as rocket fuel?
A. No, two different assets.
Q. What is a gratitude point, and what are they used for?
A. Gratitude points are earned by voting for the Idle-Corp bot, using $$vote. The gratitude points can be spent to change your company name and motto, or to instantly finish a research project.
Q. How do I sell land or move to another server?
A. You have to $$liquidate the server, selling all land, facilities, and assets. You get back 40% of your land and facilities cost, assets sell at current NPC market value.
Q: Iā€™m new, do you have any advice on what facility should I focus on now?
A: You need to get a logistics center (25M) then type $$buy <asset> <max or number> or $$soffers <asset> then $$mbuy <asset> <how many> <price>. Buy command is mainly for buying raw materials (ex. Glass, cpu, iron, silicon) Soffers (sell offers) is mainly used for buying results (ex. Laptops, cell phones, cars)
Q. How do I cancel a player market offer?
A. Use the command $$offers. It will show your current offers and which slot number they are in 1, 2, or 3. Then use $$canceloffer (1, 2,or 3)


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