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251 bytes added ,  17:09, 3 November 2020
Edited and rearranged questions. Anyone else want to help add questions???
Q: I’m new, how do I start?
A: Your company exists without a start command. Common commands are $$help, $$tutorial, $$faclist, $$a, $$val, and $$c. Newly added $$wiki command is awesome!
Q: I still have questions, what should I do?
A: Go to #help in discord HQ and ping @helper with your question.
Q: I’m new, can I get advice on what facility I should focus on now?
A: your goal is to generate assets to sell for cash.
Opt 1: As shown in the tutorial you can use wood farm(s), and move into furniture factory(ies) to produce wood and furniture to sell the assets for cash.
Opt 2: Or some players build oil wells, and then plastic factories. To produce oil and plastic assets to sell for cash.
Q. Is storage capacity in Idle-Corp?
A. You have to $$liquidate the server, selling all land, facilities, and assets. You get back 40% of your land and facilities cost, assets sell at current NPC market value.
Q: I’m new, do you have any advice on what facility should I focus on now? A: So for your first facility, you will use wood farm as shown in the tutorial, then use iron mine, when you have gathered enough money, you can try to manufacture plastic by oil wells and plastic factories, when you have at least 50M, you can try to do laptops. Q: I have a question, what should I do? A: Go to #help in our discord and ping @helper then your question Q: How do I buy stuff for laptopsassets?
A: You need to get a logistics center (25M) then type $$buy <asset> <max or number> or $$soffers <asset> then $$mbuy <asset> <how many> <price>. Buy command is mainly for buying raw materials (ex. Glass, cpu, iron, silicon) Soffers (sell offers) is mainly used for buying results end products. (ex. Laptops, cell phones, cars)
Q. How do I cancel a player market offer?
A. Use the command $$offers. It will show your current offers and which slot number they are in 1, 2, or 3. Then use $$canceloffer (1, 2,or 3)


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