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12,973 bytes added ,  18:59, 8 July 2020
FINALLY FINISHED ALL UPDATES! Expected size: about 25,000 bytes
This is a (temporarily incomplete) list of all the updates in reverse chronological order, newest updates at the top and oldest updates at the bottom.
Legend: '''+''' means added something new, '''=''' means tweaked an implemented feature, and '''-''' removes a feature altogether. (number) refers to the revision number, so (10) means the 10th revision.  Note: From 1.3.6 onwards, there is a git hash (the 7 characters you see on most updates). Before 1.1.4, the posts do not have a version number, however, the version number is implied from the structure of the updates.
'''+''' Added policies and services to $$region card.
== Update 1.3 ==
=== Update 1.3.14 ===
==== ea46e73 ====
'''+''' Added a refresh button to $$a and $$f
==== 795f6d9 ====
'''+''' Also display facility icons in $$region
==== acd6f85 ====
'''+''' Fixed an issue with exporting assets to the PM region
==== (28) dfa86a1 ====
'''+''' Added icons for facilities
=== Update 1.3.13 ===
==== d1bb9bb ====
'''+''' Minor stability imporvements
'''+''' Changed bot status to $$tutorial from $$help
==== 09b7df8 ====
'''+''' Fix a bug with $$sellall giving more money than it should
Affected corporations are currently being rolled back
==== 76022cc ====
'''+''' Minor stability updates.
==== (27) eae0f83 ====
'''=''' Completed goods that are not inputs for any facilities can no longer be bought.
'''+''' Examining assets will now show aliases for that asset.
'''=''' Vote points have been renamed to gratitude points.
=== Update 1.3.12 ===
==== 9bff6da ====
'''+'''Fixed an issue with buying land when you have less than 10 across your entire corporation
==== c7f57f6 ====
'''+''' Fix reactions not working in DMs
==== (26) 1464e8c ====
'''+''' $$sellall will now sell ALL assets in a region if you don't specify an asset.
=== Update 1.3.11 ===
==== (25) a689e0d ====
'''+''' Fixed $$install eating up technologies if the same technology was already installed.
=== Update 1.3.10 ===
==== a93b2eb ====
'''+''' Corporation founded date is now displayed in $$corporation
==== b1ddf83 ====
'''+''' Stability updates
==== (24) 562605d ====
'''=''' Changed $$demolish value from 25% -> 40%
'''+''' Added consumption and production of facilities to $$examine
'''+''' Updated airport's display in $$faclist to reflect the minimum and maximum production times possible
=== Update 1.3.9 ===
==== 0da9f2d ====
'''=''' Update airport facility recipe to be easier to maintain.
1,000x jet fuel was too hard to achieve without buying jet fuel since each refinery only produces 1x of jet fuel.
==== 5df8d4c ====
'''+''' Added $$botstats command for bot usage statistics
==== (23) 6aba41c ====
'''+''' Added airport
Consumes jet fuel which can be produced by oil refineries with the jet fuel refining technology installed.
Airport production rate increases with each other region you have an airport built in (up to once per 20s).
=== Update 1.3.8 ===
==== a0435ca ====
'''+''' Make the update actually work
==== (22) 3ede872 ====
'''+''' $$buy and $$sell now also work for facilities
=== Update 1.3.7 ===
==== 5892c0d ====
'''+''' Fix a bug with the $$buy command
==== (21) 5a8cfa3 ====
'''+''' $$price will now tell you the price of facilities in addition to assets.
'''+''' Fixed upgraded technologies not doing anything.
=== Update 1.3.6 ===
==== 5156e79 ====
'''+''' Added syntax warning for $$upgrade.
==== (20) d4dea27 ====
'''+''' Added $$upgrade command to upgrade technologies by combining multiples of the same technology.
'''=''' Changed chances for rarities from research.
Superior: 1% -> 2.5%
Rare: 19% -> 17.5%
Uncommon: 35% -> 35%
Common: 45% -> 45%
Each additional research facility you own in the same region will now improve chances for Superior by 2.5% and reduce the chance for Common by 2.5%
'''+''' All research now takes between 2 and 4 hours instead of being determined by the rarity roll.
=== Update 1.3.5 ===
'''+''' Changed $$export to display region code instead of server ID.
'''+''' Fixed bug with $$sid and $$region showing the wrong region code.
=== Update 1.3.4 ===
'''+''' Added a couple technologies and associated blueprints:
Uncommon: bauxite detector
Common: log loader, coal detector
'''-''' Removed the rarity icon from the research complete message.
'''+''' Added rarity colors to the research complete message, blueprint command, and examine command
'''+''' Blueprints can now be sold
=== Update 1.3.3 ===
'''+''' Added several new assets and facilities:
LED, lamp, bauxite, aluminum, cotton, polyester, clothing, research chemical, prescription drug, CCD, digital camera
'''+''' Added regional modifiers for bauxite mine, prescription drug factory, and digital camera factory
=== Update 1.3.2 ===
'''+''' Added installation fee of $500,000.00 to $$install
'''+''' Added more aliases for research facility
=== Update 1.3.1 ===
'''=''' Reworked research outcome chances to make it more common to receive rarer blueprints.
'''=''' Updated values of blueprints to include value of energy spent.
'''=''' Updated values of technologies to include value of blueprint consumed.
'''+''' Updated net worth to also include installed technologies.
'''+''' Fixed $$liquidate not accounting for installed technologies.
=== Update 1.3.0 :Research ===
'''+''' Added research facility
Allows you to perform research by typing $$research.
'''+''' Added $$research command
Allows you to begin research as well as check in on research in progress.
Research takes a random amount of time and yields a blueprint for technologies.
'''+''' Added $$blueprint command
Allows you to see what is required to develop the technology from a blueprint.
'''+''' Added blueprint requirements to $$examine
'''+''' Added $$develop command
Allows you to develop an installable technology by consuming the blueprint and the required assets.
'''+'''Added $$install and $$uninstall commands
Allows you to install and uninstall technologies.
'''+'''Added a display of currently installed technologies in $$corporation
== Version 1.2 ==
=== Version 1.2.13 ===
'''+''' Added $$examine command to examine assets (icons coming soon!)
'''+''' Fully supported fix for $$export, $$name, and $$motto
=== Version 1.2.12 ===
'''+''' Fixes a bug involving gas stations.
'''+''' Temporary fix for $$export, $$name, and $$motto
=== Version 1.2.11 ===
'''+''' Added $$prefix command to change the command prefix for your server.
=== Version 1.2.10 ===
'''+''' Fix buy limit becoming negative when owning more than ~20 logistics centers
=== Version 1.2.9 ===
'''+''' Added $$invite to quickly get a link to invite the bot to your servers.
'''+''' Added $$land to see how much land you own.
=== Version 1.2.8 ===
'''+''' Fixed an issue with capital produced by gas stations disappearing.
'''+''' Display hourly buy limit left in $$bal
'''+''' Added link to wiki for $$faclist
=== Version 1.2.7 ===
'''+''' Added gold mine and television factory facilities.
Both facilities will also have regional modifiers.
'''+''' Variance of regional modifiers has been reduced slightly.
'''+''' Updated idle production algorithm to prioritize facilities that produce more valuable outputs.
=== Version 1.2.6 ===
'''+''' Regional production modifiers added for gasoline engine factory, car factory, laptop factory, coal plant.
=== Version 1.2.5 ===
'''+''' Improvements to how facility production is calculated over region modifier changes.
=== Version 1.2.4 ===
'''+''' Added independent modifiers for each mineral.
'''+''' Added display for the production time in addition to the modifier in the current region in $$r
'''+''' Added global leaderboards through $$lb
=== Version 1.2.3 ===
'''+''' Added display for how much time is left before region production modifiers change and when market prices change.
=== Version 1.2.2 ===
'''+''' Fixed production periods for certain facilities in $$faclist.
'''+''' Added $$capital command to quickly check your current capital.
=== Version 1.2.1 ===
'''+''' Added a quick $$tutorial
=== Version 1.2.0 ===
'''+''' Each Discord server is now considered its own region.
'''+''' Each region has four production modifiers that affect "gathering" facilities.
Soil Health - modifies farming facilities (tree farm)
Mineral Concentration - modifies facilities which mine minerals (coal mine, iron mine, silicon mine)
Oil Concentration - modifies facilities which extract oil (oil well)
Solar Irradiance - modifies facilities which use solar irradiance for power (solar power plant)
'''+''' You can view your region's modifiers on its region card with $$r
'''+'''Server IDs are now region codes.
$$serverid now has the aliases $$regioncode and $$rc
$$export now requires you to use a region code instead of a server ID.
'''-'''Region Code has been removed from your corporation card.
'''+''' Instead, Region Code has been added to the region card.
== Version 1.1 ==
=== Version 1.1.7 ===
'''=''' Price of name change is now 2 vote points.
'''+''' Added asset 'rocket'.
'''=''' The remaining hourly asset limit now only shows up if you have more capital than your current limit.
=== Version 1.1.6 ===
'''=''' Market prices now change every hour again.
'''+''' There is now a buy limit for purchasing assets of $1m. Each logistics center you own in that server will increase your asset purchase limit by $1m.
'''+''' Voter's Boon now also gives you an additional 10% on your hourly asset purchase limit.
'''+''' Navigating between pages of assets, facilities, etc. should now be fixed for certain users.
=== Version 1.1.5 ===
'''+''' You can now use reincorporation tokens on land discounts. Check $$usetoken to see how!
'''+''' You can now include an amount with the $$usetoken command to use more than one token at a time.
'''=''' Using reincorporation tokens on land now gives you 4x land.
'''=''' Market prices now only change every 12 hours.
This is to encourage more cross-server play. Being able to play the market on an hourly basis was more volatile than intended and didn't promote as much cross-server play.
Irrelevant stuff:
'''+''' Minor improvements to $$buyall performance.
'''+''' Commas in places where amounts of assets or facilities are displayed.
=== Version 1.1.4 ===
'''+''' You can now $$buyall
'''+''' Using $$price without any asset name will now show a list of the prices of all assets
'''=''' Market "volatility" has been adjusted:
70% of the time: +- 6%
28% of the time: +- 12%
1.8% of the time: +- 35%
0.2% of the time: +- 60%
'''+''' + Car Factory has been added. Check $$faclist to see what it does!
=== Version 1.1.3 ===
'''+''' Added $$serverid command for being able to quickly copy a server id on mobile for exports.
'''+''' Added $$motto command to change a server's motto that will show up in your corporation profile.
'''+''' Added a vote score that tracks total vote points regardless of how many points you use.
=== Version 1.1.2 ===
'''+''' You can now perform reincorporation (the name I've given to the rebirth mechanic) and receive reincorporation tokens for every billion dollars of net worth up to 8x tokens. These tokens will be able to be consumed to give you free land at any point in the game.
'''+''' Liquidation of your corporation's facilities, land, and assets on a given server is now possible.
=== Version 1.1.1 ===
'''+''' You now only have one corporation across all servers.
Each server is considered its own "region" which means facilities, land, and assets are still unique to each server.
Capital, vote points, and your corporation name is now the same across all servers.
'''+''' Exporting now has a fee of 3.5%.
The fee is calculated based on the total asset value of the destination region.
=== Version 1.1.0 ===
'''+''' You are now able to sell assets to other servers' economies by using the $$export command.
As long as you have a logistics center built on both servers, you will be able to export to that server and take advantage of the market prices on that server.
'''+''' There's now a chance that the price will fluctuate up to 90%. The table in the previous announcement will be updated to reflect this.
'''+''' Gasoline Engine Factory has been added. Check $$faclist to see what it does!
== Version 1.0 ==
=== Version 1.0.3 ===
'''+''' Prices of assets will now fluctuate and be unique to each Discord server.
These prices will change every hour.
Here's a breakdown of the "range of fluctuation":
60% of the time it will be +- 6% of the base price
36% of the time it will be +- 12%
3.8% of the time it will be +- 35%
0.2% of the time it will be +- 90%
'''='''Output of Solar Power Plant has been reduced again 100 -> 60
Being able to produce large amounts of energy without sacrificing any other land slots has made Solar Power Plants incredibly overpowered.
'''=''' Output of Gas Station has been increased $12.50 -> $15.00
The display for assets produced has also been modified in $$faclist to make it more clear how much the gas station would actually produce
=== Version 1.0.2 ===
'''=''' Energy output of Solar Power Plant reduced to 100 from 120
'''+''' Added Rocket Fuel Factory
=== Version 1.0.1 ===
'''+''' Facilities that were not performing their recipes should now behave as intended.


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