Clothing factory

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Cost $137,000, 100,000x wood,
1,000x steel
Total Cost $160,000
Inputs 20x polyester, 10x cotton
Outputs 10x clothing
Production interval 40 seconds
Production/Hour 900x clothing
Profit/Min $450.00
Profit/Hour $27,000.00
Return On Investment/Min 0.197%
Time to ROI 507.94 Minute
Aliases clothing factory,
clothingfactory, clothing fac

The Clothing factory is a facility that produces 10x clothing every 40 seconds.

To sustain it, you need 25/28x Polyester factories and 5/4 of a Cotton farm.

For full automation, you need 25/28x Polyester factories, 55/14 Oil wells, and 5/4 of a Cotton farm