Updates log

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Revision as of 17:16, 8 July 2020 by Lance0 (talk | contribs) (Added the info that it's incomplete as of right now.)
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This is a (temporarily incomplete) list of all the updates in reverse chronological order, newest updates at the top and oldest updates at the bottom.

Legend: + means added something new, = means tweaked an implemented feature, and - removes a feature altogether. (number) refers to the revision number, so (10) means the 10th revision.


Update 1.5

Update 1.5.12


+ Fixed clothing factory recipe to match wiki

  Now produces 10x clothing

+ Fixed cell phone price to match wiki

  $700 -> $800

+ Fixed LED price to match wiki

  $1 -> $2


+ Fixed a small bug with the procedural price generation algorithm


+ Fixed the base price of prescription drug to match wiki calculations

 $300 -> $500

(55) ed6a885

+ Fixed market commands sometimes not working after confirming with a reaction

(56) 29096cb

+ Added trade icons in $$price to show which items can be traded on the market + Crude oil, wood, gold, and bauxite can now be traded on the market and can no longer be bought with $$buy

Update 1.5.11


+ Silicon and coal are now tradeable on the market and no longer buyable with $$buy

Update 1.5.10


+ Fixed a problem with Voter's Boon being calculated incorrectly


+ Fixed multiplier parsing for $$mbuy


+ Silver supporters on Patreon now also get Voter's Boon permanently without having to vote


+ Fixed market commands so the price can be optional if there is already an offer

(54) 78be296: Prices and Amounts

+ You can now use the following multipliers for amounts and prices in all commands

 k = x 1,000
 m = x 1,000,000
 b = x 1,000,000,000

+ You can now use 'all' or 'max' as quantities in $$marketsell

+ You can now use up to two decimal places in the price of market commands

+ $$sellall has been fixed for demolishing facilities

+ You can now use 'all' or 'max' as quantities when demolishing facilities

Update 1.5.9


+ Minor update to fix some small bugs


+ Updated some behind the scenes stuff for better Discord API support

(53) 7a4c97b

+ Jet fuel refining u now changes production time to 0:08 instead of 0:15

Update 1.5.8

(52) f79fab2

+ Market commands will also send a notification if the offer is completed instantly - this is to avoid confusion

+ Energy is now tradeable on the market

- Energy is no longer buyable with $$buy, but you can still sell it with $$sell

+ Fixed a few problems in the response text of some market commands

Update 1.5.7

(51) 57ddbd9

+ Add jet fuel refining u

 Also changes oil refinery production times to 0:15 from 0:30

Update 1.5.6

(50) a503fde

+ Fixed $$export not exporting technologies


+ Fixed bug involving $$install


+ Add formatting to asset amounts in market commands


+ Fixed bug with $$export not letting a lot of assets be exported


+ Fixed bug with $$build saying you can't build more than 8 research facility when trying to build something other than a research facility


+ Fix price bug introduced by the last update


+ Testing the waters of a player-driven economy with making jet fuel tradeable on the market

 Jet fuel is no longer buyable with $$buy, but (at least for now) you can still sell it with $$sell

+ Added better rarity information to $$research

Update 1.5.5


+ Improvements to the reliability of notifications related to voting


+ Facility icons now show up as a thumbnail in $$examine


+ Fixed blueprints showing up in $$price after the last update made them appear when they shouldn't

- Rockets are no longer buyable or sellable

(48) efa73b6

+ Technologies can now be exported

+You must now have a net worth of at least $5,000.00 to use $$voteballot

+ You must now have Voter's Boon to use $$voteballot

+ Updated verbiage on commands requiring region office

Update 1.5.4


+ Added $$up as alias for $$upgrade

+ Added 'log center', 'log expansion', 'log expansion u' aliases for logistics center, logistics expansion, and logistics expansion u respectively

= Changed how blueprint rarities are calculated

 1 research facility
 Superior: 1%
 Rare: 9%
 Uncommon: 35%
 Common: 55%
 2 research facilities
 Superior: 1%
 Rare: 9%
 Uncommon: 40%
 Common: 50%
 3 research facilities
 Superior: 1%
 Rare: 15%
 Uncommon: 50%
 Common: 34%
 4 research facilities
 Superior: 2%
 Rare: 15%
 Uncommon: 60%
 Common: 23%
 5 research facilities
 Superior: 5%
 Rare: 20%
 Uncommon: 70%
 Common: 5%
 6 research facilities
 Superior: 7.5%
 Rare: 30%
 Uncommon: 62.5%
 Common: 0%
 7 research facilities
 Superior: 7.5%
 Rare: 40%
 Uncommon: 52.5%
 Common: 0%
 8+ research facilities
 Superior: 10%
 Rare: 50%
 Uncommon: 40%
 Common: 0%

= Research time range has been changed from 2-4 hours to 2-3 hours

Update 1.5.3


+ Fixed slot numbers for $$offers

= Silicon mine production time has been changed 3:30 -> 3:20

= CPU factory production output has been changed 6x cpu -> 5x cpu

= Airport inputs has been changed

 Jet fuel 20x -> 20x (unchanged)
 Energy 10x -> 20x


+ Fix notifications sometimes being sent twice


= Airports' production time formula has been reworked

 It now depends on how many other airports you have in the current region
 At 1 airport it will be 0:30
 At 30+ airports it will be 1:00

= Changed airport tram to no longer reduce the time below 0:30

= Changed tourism campaign to no longer reduce the time below 0:30

= Changed research grant's energy price modifier from -10% -> +10%

= Blueprints now sell for 40% of their value ($4,000,000.00) instead of 100% ($10,000,000.00)

+ Added logistics expansion u as upgrade for logistics expansion

Update 1.5.2

= (45) 5c35fae

+ Assets can now be locked and unlocked to prevent it from being sold in $$sellall

 This setting is unique per region.

+ Added $$lockasset to prevent an asset from being sold when performing $$sellall

+ Added $$unlockasset to allow an asset to be sold again with $$sellall

+ Added icon to show an asset is locked in $$a

Update 1.5.1

(44) 0ab8999

+ Robotic automation's effect now stacks correctly

+ Your corporation is no longer listed in the leaderboards and does not have a rank by default due to privacy policies Potentially being able to link your account to a corporation name on the leaderboards is considered a breach of privacy

+ Added $$lboptin to opt-in to being listed on the leaderboards

+ Added $$lboptout to opt-out of being listed on the leaderboards

+ Added a link to the voting page in the vote reminder notification

(43) fe0375c

+ Show the value of asset stacks that can be sold in $$a

+ Added $$prices as alias to $$price

+ Added $$commands as alias to $$help

+ Updated formatting in $$help

- Removed $$claimvote from $$help

+ Update notifications to use a server's icon in the thumbnail

(42) 08a9f3b:: Votes + Market changes

+ Votes are now checked automatically

- $$claimvote is no longer needed

+ Added vote as a notification group

+ When exporting, trucks are now timed independently in each region

+ Added export as a notification group

+ Added a fee of 1.5% to market transactions

+ You now need a logistics center in order to submit market offers

+ You can now see the next upgrade of technology in $$examine

Update 1.5.0


+ $$motto now allows .,?! characters

+ Region codes for $$export should no longer be case sensitive


+ Made error messages for $$export more clear

+ Added tip to $$r to easily copy region code


+ Fix public logistics access not allowing players to export correctly


+ IdleCorp can now type messages with its keyboard


+ Bug fixes for $$export and $$c


+ Backend stability updates


+ Fix a bug where $$c would ignore messages if the target user is not found


+ Add new commands to $$help

(41) cea23d0: Markets

+ Added global player market for technologies

+ Added $$offers to view your offers

+ Added $$buyoffers to view buy offers for an asset

+ Added $$selloffers to view sell offers for an asset

+ Added $$marketbuy to submit buy offers from the market

+ Added $$marketsell to submit sell offers from the market

+ Added $$canceloffer to cancel an existing offer

+ Added market as a configurable notification group

Update 1.4

Update 1.4.7


+ Fix a bug causing ballots to not be updated correctly


+ Fix a bug causing the wrong capital to be displayed when doing $$donateservice

+ Fix a bug causing confirmation emotes to sometimes be ignored


+ Capital should no longer possibly be a corporation's primary product


+ Fix an issue causing notifications to sometimes be sent twice

(40) 803e2e5

+ Added notifications

 Currently just used for research, but will have more uses down the road

+ Added $$notification to show and change current notification settings

Update 1.4.6


+ Fix a bug causing ballots to not be updated correctly


+Fix a bug causing the wrong capital to be displayed when doing $$donateservice


+ Renamed 'utilization' -> 'efficiency' in $$f

+ Fixed an issue causing the net worth/hr to show $0 when buying inputs from the market rather than producing it with your own facilities

 Same with efficiency

(37) 796b011

+ Fixed an issue causing some times longer than 1 hour to be displayed incorrectly

(36) 33ecd31

+ Fixed an issue involving crude oil derivatives and their utilization calculations


+ Added net profit/hr to $$f

+ Added 'utilization' percentage to $$f

 Utilization shows the percentage of actual output to the total potential output of a facility.
 A facility can have a utilization percentage lower than 100% if it's missing an input asset.


+ Fixed a bug introduced in the last update

(35) 8816c01

+ Added new rare technology and blueprint 'robotic automation'

 Changes all facilities you own in this region. Each facility now has 2.5% increased production.

+ Added new technology upgrade 'robotic automation u'

 Changes all facilities you own in this region. Each facility now has a 5% increased production.

+ Fixed Research facility rarity stacking not being calculated correctly

= Changed research rarities

 Superior: 2.5% = 2.5%
 Rare: 20% -> 10%
 Uncommon: 25% = 25%
 Common: 55% -> 65%

Update 1.4.5


+ Server Booster role now has the same benefits as Bronze Supporter (You can boost our community server to become a Bronze Supporter!)

+ Added reminder messages when using $$a and $$f in a region where you have no assets or facilities

+ Added 'logistics centre' as an alias for logistics center

+ Added 'research centre' as an alias for research facility


+ Improved accuracy of primary product on $$corp card


+ Fixed $$corp card not showing up in certain cases


+ Add alias $$cv for $$claimvote


+ Happiness can now be examined with $$examine

+ Same with reincorporation token and gratitude point


+ Fix issue with commands failing if the member is not in this server

(34) e7085ee

+ Added ability to redeem reincorporation tokens for tech slots

 Up to 6 total tech slots

+Added more benefits for Patreon supporters

 Gold supporters
 + Permanent Voter's Boon
 + 4x multiplier on $$claimvote
 + Reincorporation token cap of 12 per reincorporation
 Silver supporters
 + 3x multiplier on $$claimvote
 + Reincorporation token cap of 10 per reincorporation
 Bronze supporters
 + 2x multiplier on $$claimvote
 + Reincorporation token cap of 9 per reincorporation

+ Added $$patreon which shows all benefits and your current tier

Update 1.4.4


+ Improvements to production calculations


+ $$claimvote now also gives $1,000.00

+ Several commands have been updated to display your current capital after buying, selling, etc.


+ Added refresh button to $$price

+ Fixed price of energy not changing


+ $$corp cards are now colored based on your net worth

(33) 0987465

+ Research can now be expedited to finish instantly by spending 4 gratitude points

= Gratitude points can now only be claimed once every 12 hours

Update 1.4.3


+ Added $$changelog


+ $$sell can now accept 'all' as an amount

 $$sell coal all

+ $$export and $$buy can also accept 'all' as an amount

(32) 590f57d

= Tree farms now produce 2x of wood instead of 1x

= The random price deviation algorithm has been adjusted

 Chance for 35% deviation 1.8% -> 0.8%
 Chance for 12% deviation 28% -> 9%
 Chance for 6% deviation 70% -> 90%

+ Fixed $$corp card not showing up for corporations with no facilities

Update 1.4.2

(31) 75ed66c

+ Added new superior tech airport tram

 Airport tram reduces the time each airport takes by 4s

+ Added airport tram u tech

 Airport tram u reduces the time each airport takes by 8s

+ Added primary product in $$corp card

Update 1.4.1


+ Fixed $$sellall, whoops!


+ Fixed small bug allowing $$leaderboard server in DM

(30) e8a619e: Balance changes

=Airports' production time curve has been adjusted to be between 1:00 - 0:30 maxing out at airports in 30 unique regions

= Silicon mine output has been reduced 5x->4x silicon every 180s->210s

= Each research facility now increases a chance for superior blueprints by 0.75% from 2.5%

Update 1.4.0


+ $$leaderboard now recognizes the server parameter properly

+ Fixed character case sensitivity for some services and policies

Fixed issue outside of bot logic(no code)

+ Fixed an issue preventing services from being donated to


+ Fix verbiage in $$policies timer

(29) c236d8a: Services & Policies

+ Added services

 Services are region-wide buildings.
 Any corporation in the building can contribute to the building of a service.
 Services have special effects which you can see using the $$examine command.

+ Added policies

 Policies are effects that apply to the entire region.
 Policies can only be added or removed by the regional legislator (more on that below) once a day.
 Policies are funded by Funding points.
 Every region has 15 Funding points to start with, and certain policies can affect a region's funding.

+ Added regional legislator

 Every week, a ballot will run for the duration of the week.
 At the end of the ballot, the winner will be made the regional legislator.
 To join the ballot with $$joinballot will cost $10,000,000.00
 There is a limit of 10 members per ballot.
 Every corporation will be able to vote with $$voteballot once per ballot.
 You can vote for yourself, but if there is a tie, no one will be made the regional legislator.

+ Added $$policies to view the status of policies in the region.

+ Added policies and services to $$examine

+ Added policies and services to $$region card.