CPU is an asset manufactured in the CPU factories and used to build several other assets or can be sold. A central processing unit (CPU), also called a main processor is the electronic circuitry within a computer that executes instructions that make up a computer program. The CPU performs basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions in the program.
CPU Production[edit]
Name | Cost | Inputs | Outputs | Profit/Min | Production interval (MM:SS) |
CPU factory | $100,000 | 1x gold, 8x silicon | 5x CPU | $470.00 | 2:00 |
Facilities that use CPU[edit]
Name | Cost | Inputs | Outputs | Profit/Min | Production interval (MM:SS) | |
Cell phone factory | $400,000 | 1x CPU, 5x plastic, 1x glass | 1x cell phone | $581.83~ | 0:45 | |
Laptop factory | $800,000 | 1x CPU, 8x plastic, 2x glass | 1x laptop | $1,157.33~ | 1:30 | |
Television factory | $1,500,000 | 1x CPU, 36x plastic, 12x glass | 1x television | $1,140.67~ | 3:00 | |
Car factory | $10,000,000 | 1x CPU, 1000x plastic, 36x glass, 40x steel, 1x gasoline engine, 30x rubber | 1x car | $1,293.00 | 10:00 |