Difference between revisions of "IdleCorp Profit/Profit"
(No difference)
Revision as of 08:38, 15 December 2020
- 1 Profit _v.1.1.1
- 3 Notice
- 4 Profit
- 5 polyester factory =
- 5.1 silicon mine
- 5.2 bicycle factory
- 5.3 gold mine
- 5.4 lamp factory
- 5.5 cotton farm
- 5.6 plastic factory
- 5.7 ccd factory
- 5.8 glass factory
- 5.9 cpu factory
- 5.10 clothing factory
- 5.11 cell phone factory
- 5.12 coal power plant
- 5.13 laptop factory
- 5.14 research chemical factory
- 5.15 solar power plant
- 5.16 rocket fuel factory
- 5.17 digital camera factory
- 5.18 television factory
- 5.19 gasoline engine factory
- 5.20 car factory
- 5.21 prescription drug factory
- 5.22 airport
- 6 Copyright Notice_v.1.0
Profit _v.1.1.1
It will show the least update of profit here.
If you want to download it, go to Download.
Before to read the Profit, something you need to know:
- This is just used to referring, it will change by region and techs.
- You can copy it but don't make it a file than send to others.
- You can save it into yourself.
- Don't suspicion author's English, if there has any mistakes, pleace tell author.
money IO (pre second)
tree farm
$100.00 Produces $0.06/fac Profit $0.06/fac $0.06/land Every 00:05
oil well
$300.00 Produces $0.1/fac Profit $0.1/fac $0.1/land Every 00:10
coal mine
$400.00 Produces $0.16/fac Profit $0.16/fac $0.16/land Every 00:10
iron mine
$550.00 Produces $0.1/fac Profit $0.1/fac $0.1/land Every 00:20
oil refinery
$1,050.00 Consumes $0.0166/fac Produces $0.1666/fac Profit $0.15/fac 1:6 First Fac oil well*1 land 2 $0.075/land -- oil-0.8333 -- $0.0833 -- Every 00:30
steel mill
$1,200.00 Consumes $0.057/fac $0.0228/fac Produces $0.2285/fac Profit $0.148/fac 1:1:1((4:7, 1:1.75), (1:7)) First Fac iron mine*1 coal mine*1 land 3 $0.0495/land -- iron-0.0214 coal-0.6857 -- $0.0428 $0.137 -- Every 00:35
bauxite mine
$1,300.00 Produces $0.16/fac Profit $0.16/fac $0.16/land Every 00:25
rubber factory
$1,500.00 Consumes $0.02/fac Produces $0.175/fac Profit $0.155/fac 1:1(31:200, 1:6.4516) First Fac oil well*1 land 2 $0.0775/land -- oil-0.8 -- $0.08 -- Every 00:40
gas station
$1,800.00 Consumes $0.666/fac Produces $1/fac Profit $0.333/fac 4:1(4:1) First Fac oil well*1 oil refinery*4 land 6 $0.0555/land -- oil-0.333 -- $0.0333 -- Every 00:15
furniture factory
$2,000.00 Consumes $0.00625/fac Produces $0.25/fac Profit $0.2437/fac 1:1(5:48, 1:9.6) First Fac tree farm*1 land 2 $0.1218/fac -- wood-0.35833 -- $0.0537 -- Every 04:00
aluminum factory
$3,750.00 Consumes $0.04/fac Produces $0.48/fac Profit $0.44/fac 1:4 First Fac bauxite mine*1 land 2 $0.22/land -- bauxite-1.2 -- $0.12 -- Every 00:25
led factory
$5,000.00 Consumes $1/fac Produces $1.6/fac Profit $0.6/fac 1:1 First Fac silicon mine*2 land 3 $0.2/land Every 00:50
polyester factory =
$6,000.00 Consumes $0.44/fac Produces $1.12/fac Profit $0.68/fac 4.4:1(22:5, 4.4:1) First Fac oil well*5 land 6 $0.1133/land -- oil-0.6 -- $0.06 -- Every 00:25
silicon mine
$9,000.00 Produces $0.5/fac Profit $0.5/fac $0.5/land Every 03:20
bicycle factory
$10,000.00 Consumes $1.0666/fac $0.622/fac Produces $2.6666/fac Profit $0.9777/fac 4.6666:3.5555:1((14:3, 4.6666:1), (32:9, 3.5555:1)) First Fac steel mill*5 rubber fac*4 land 10 $0.0977/land -- steel-0.00952 rubber-0.0111 -- $0.07619 $0.0777 -- Every 01:30
gold mine
$20,000.00 Produces $0.8/fac Profit $0.8/fac $0.8/land Every 05:00
lamp factory
$28,000.00 Consumes $0.2/fac $1.6/fac Produces $3.3333/fac Profit $ 1.5333/fac 1:1:1((1:20), (1:1)) First Fac plastic fac*1 led fac*1 land 3 $0.5111/land -- plastic-7.6 -- $3.8 -- Every 00:15
cotton farm
$30,000.00 Produces $1/fac Profit $1/fac $1/land Every 00:20
plastic factory
$50,000.00 Consumes $0.08/fac Produces $4/fac Profit $3.92/fac 1:1(4:5, 1:1.25) First Fac oil well*1 land 2 $1.96/land -- oil-0.2 -- $0.02 -- Every 00:25
ccd factory
$69,000.00 Consumes $2.307/fac Produces $7.6923/fac Profit $5.3846/fac 4.615:1(60:13, 4.615:1) First Fac silicon mine*5 land 6 $0.8974/land -- silicon-0.00769 -- $0.1923 -- Every 01:05
glass factory
$80,000.00 Consumes $1.4285/fac Produces $6.8571/fac Profit $5.4285/fac 2.857:1(20:7, 2.857:1) First Fac silicon mine*3 land 4 $1.3571/land -- silicon-0.00285 -- $0.0714 -- Every 00:35
cpu factory
$100,000.00 Consumes $0.5/fac $1.6666/fac Produces $8.3333/fac Profit $6.1666/fac 1:3.333:1((5:8, 1:1.6), (10:3, 3.333:1)) First Fac gold mine*1 silicon mine*4 land 6 $1.0277/land -- gold-0.005 silicon-0.0133 -- $0.3 $0.3333 -- Every 02:00
clothing factory
$160,000.00 Consumes $1/fac $1.25/fac Produces $7.5/fac Profit $5.25/fac 1:1.25:1((25:28, 1:1.12), (5:4, 1.25:1)) First Fac oil well*5 polyester fac*1 cotton farm*2 land 4 $1.3125/land -- oil-0.6 polyester-0.06 cotton-0.15 -- $0.06 $0.12 $0.75 -- Every 00:40
cell phone factory
$400,000.00 Consumes $0.0555/fac $0.6666/fac $4.4444/fac Produces $17.7777/fac Profit $12.6111/fac 1:1:1:1((1:72), (7:72, 1:10.2857), (8:15, 1:1.875)) First Fac oil well*1 silicon mine*7 gold mine*1 plastic fac*1 glass fac*1 cpu fac*1 land 13 $0.9700/land -- oil-0.2 silicon-0.0161 gold-0.005 plastic-7.8888 glass-0.2063 cpu-0.01944 -- $0.02 $0.4047 $0.3 $3.9444 $6.1904 $3.8888 -- Every 00:45
coal power plant
$500,000.00 Consumes $0.3333/fac Produces $11.6666/fac Profit $11.3333/fac 2.0833:1(25:12, 2.0833:1) First Fac coal mine*3 land 4 $2.8333/land -- coal-0.7333 -- $0.1466 -- Every 00:30
laptop factory
$800,000.00 Consumes $0.0444/fac $0.6666/fac $2.2222/fac Produces $22.2222/fac Profit $19.2888/fac 1:1:1:1((1:90), (7:72, 1:10.2857), (4:15, 1:3.75)) First Fac oil well*1 silicon mine*7 gold mine*1 plastic fac*1 glass fac*1 cpu fac*1 land 13 $1.4837/land -- oil-0.2 silicon-0.0161 gold-0.005 plastic-7.9111 glass-0.2063 cpu-0.03055 -- $0.02 $0.4047 $0.3 $3.9555 $6.1904 $6.1111 -- Every 01:30
research chemical factory
$800,000.00 Consumes $0.0333/fac Produces $13.3333/fac Profit $13.3/fac 1:3 First Fac oil well*1 land*2 $6.65/land -- oil-0.6666 -- $0.0666 -- Every 00:30
solar power plant
$1,000,000.00 Produces $6.6666/fac Profit $6.6666/fac $6.6666/land Every 01:30
rocket fuel factory
$1,000,000.00 Consumes $0.1111/fac Produces $0.1111/fac Profit $0/fac 1:60 First Fac solar power plant*1 land 2 $0/land -- energy-0.6555 -- $6.5555 -- Every 15:00
digital camera factory
$1,400,000.00 Consumes $6.25/fac $0.625/fac Produces $25/fac Profit $18.125/fac 1:1:1((13:16, 1:1.2307), (5:32, 1:6.4)) First Fac silicon mine*5 oil well*1 ccd fac*1 plastic fac*1 land 9 $2.01388/land -- silicon-0.00769 oil-0.2 -- $0.1923 $0.02 -- Every 01:20
television factory
$1,500,000.00 Consumes $0.1/fac $2/fac $1.1111/fac Produces $22.2222/fac Profit $19.0111/fac 1:1:1:1((1:40), (7:24, 1:3.4285), (2:15, 1:7.5)) First Fac oil well*1 silicon mine*7 gold mine*1 plastic fac*1 glass fac*1 cpu fac*1 land 13 $1.4623/land -- oil-0.2 silicon-0.0161 gold-0.005 plastic-7.8 glass-0.1619 cpu-0.03611 -- $0.02 $0.4047 $0.3 $3.9 $4.8571 $7.2222 -- Every 03:00
gasoline engine factory
$2,000,000.00 Consumes $0.4615/fac $0.1615/fac Produces $19.2307/fac Profit $18.6076/fac 2.0192:1:1((105:52, 2.0192:1), (12:13, 1:1.0833)) First Fac iron mine*2 coal mine*1 oil well*1 steel mill*3 rubber fac*1 land 9 $2.0675/land -- coal-0.4571 oil-0.8 steel-0.0280 rubber-0.0019 -- $0.0914 $0.08 $0.2241 $0.0134 -- Every 04:20
car factory
$10,000,000.00 Consumes $8.3333/fac $0.8333/fac $1.4/fac $0.5333/fac $0.3333/fac $0.35/fac Produces $33.3333/fac Profit $21.55/fac 1:1:1:2.3333:1:2:1((13:30, 1:2.3076), (5:24, 1:4.8), (49:240, 1:4.8979), (7:3, 2.3333:1), (1:25), (2:1)) First Fac iron mine*4 coal mine*1 oil well*2 steel mill*3 rubber fac*1 silicon mine*7 gold mine*1 gasengine fac*1 plastic fac*1 glass fac*1 steel mill*3 cpu fac*1 rubber fac*2 land 28 $0.7696/land -- coal-0.1142 steel-0.0280 rubber-0.0019 silicon-0.0161 gold-0.005 oil-0.6 gasengine-0.0021 plastic-6.3333 glass-0.1819 steel-0.0190 cpu-0.04 -- $0.0228 $0.2241 $0.0134 $0.4047 $0.3 $0.06 $10.8974 $0.3166 $5.4571 $0.1523 $8 -- Every 10:00
prescription drug factory
$15,000,000.00 Consumes $2/fac Produces $20/fac Profit $18/fac 1:1(3:20, 1:6.666) First Fac oil well*1 res chem fac*1 land 3 $6/land -- oil-0.6666 res chem-0.1133 -- $0.0666 $11.33 -- Every 00:50
$20,000,000.00 Consumes $0.8333-1.6666/fac $4.1666-3.3333/fac Produces $16.666-33.333/fac Profit $11.666-23.333/fac(Avar. $15.555/fac) 1:1((N/A, jet fuel from market), (5:8-5:4, 1:1.6-1.25:1)(Avar. 5:6, 1:1.2)) First Fac(logistics center always just need 1) (logistics ctr*1) solar power plant*1 land 3/2 $3.888-7.777/land(Avar. $5.185185/land)/ $5.833-11.666/land(Avar. $7.777/land) -- jet fuel-N/A(Can't calculate) energy-0.25--0.1666(This is negative)(Avar. 0.111) -- jet fuel-N/A(Can't calculate) energy-2.5--1.6666(This is negative)(Avar. 1.111) -- Every 01:00 to 00:30(Avar. 00:45)
Copyright Notice_v.1.0
- You can post it on anywhere, include of "IdleCorp HQ"(The Discord Server of IdleCorp).
- You can modify it but not included of the "Copyright_Notice".
- You also can refer the "Profit.txt" but it just used to REFER.
- You can ask or tell the author of it about it, and you can share you question(s) in "IdleCorp HQ".
- You can tell some suggestions to the author, and fix it.
- Pleace don't suspect author's gramma, if there have any gramma mistakes, you can tell the author.
- These are all copyright notice of it, I maybe will add more/change notice(s) on here.